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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

20 Reasons People Have Sex

20 Reasons People Have Sex

Stressed out? Have sex. Stress reduction is one of the leading reasons Americans, particularly men, say they have sex, Richard Caroll says. The review, published online in Sexuality & Culture, shows other most frequently cited reasons for having sex include:

  1. Boosting mood and relieving depression
  2. Duty
  3. Enhancement of power
  4. Enhancement of self-concept
  5. Experiencing the power of one’s partner
  6. Feeling loved by your partner
  7. Fostering jealousy
  8. Improving reputation or social status
  9. Making money
  10. Making babies
  11. Need for affection
  12. Nurturance
  13. Partner novelty
  14. Peer pressure or pressure from partner
  15. Pleasure
  16. Reducing sex drive
  17. Revenge
  18. Sexual curiosity
  19. Showing love to your partner
  20. Spiritual transcendence